About Me

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Funky, colourful person. Mother to my 3 year old daughter, love going out and having a drink with friends and dancing to music of all sorts, living a very stressful life which is unlikely to change any time soon, doing the best i can with what i have. Im a very loyal person and am well known for chatting the hind legs off a donkey as well as being a great listener. If you need to offload your troubles then im your woman. Tell me anything it will never go any further. Im a giver and a sharer and care a lot for people and im open minded to the point if im not careful my brain will fall out of my head.... I make spelling mistakes, but im busy, forgive me.... Everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what that reason is..

Friday, 7 January 2011

So busy, it's been so long

Well, I have been so busy i just have not had the time to do another post for ages. Working 5 days a week whilst trying to be a mother and have a social life and do all my uni work and learn about stuff to do with my placement and get the domains and skills completed in my practice document that have to be done on placement is HARD WORK. I am a busy beaver.

This placement has been great, there have been a fair few things that have happened that i wont forget and stuff that has happened that I will learn from, there have been incidents happening and at times when the alarm had been needed to be pulled, I have had my own set of patients daily that I have to look after and write notes on. I have made beds, served food, tidied up, given medication, learnt about different mental health disorders, learnt about how medications can affect people and how illegal drugs can really affect some people causing their disorder to become so much worse. There have been many highs and lows. I have had a problem with a staff member who was crossing the lines of personal space and boundaries with me and where I had to deal with it, not nice and has taught me a valuable lesson of what to do when these type of situations arise in the future.

I finish my placement here next Friday and then am back at uni, I am already going to sign on with the nurse bank to get a little work to earn some extra money as Christmas has taken every penny and I need to pay bills. But I will take away a huge amount of important knowledge and am now looking forward to what my next mental health placement is going to be.

I will try and update my blog more regularly, sorry about the long wait.

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