About Me

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Funky, colourful person. Mother to my 3 year old daughter, love going out and having a drink with friends and dancing to music of all sorts, living a very stressful life which is unlikely to change any time soon, doing the best i can with what i have. Im a very loyal person and am well known for chatting the hind legs off a donkey as well as being a great listener. If you need to offload your troubles then im your woman. Tell me anything it will never go any further. Im a giver and a sharer and care a lot for people and im open minded to the point if im not careful my brain will fall out of my head.... I make spelling mistakes, but im busy, forgive me.... Everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what that reason is..

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Finished finally and now on to other things

Yipppeeeee, I have finished my annotated bibliography, don't know why I was so bothered about it, but its all done and out the way ready to be handed in on Friday.

Sooo, the next 2 days are going to be filled with looking at the "Mental health act" and all the different things I may be doing during my first placement and reading up on Friday's skills session, urine analysis etc.. Plus I am also going to do more maths, like nursing calculations and re-do my test to try and get a better score. As well as that my plan is to read some more on the cardio-vascular system to embed it into my brain, if I read it enough ill understand it and then it will stay in my brain!!! Well that's the plan anyway, I can only but try haha

Time for bed now, so good night :)

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