About Me

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Funky, colourful person. Mother to my 3 year old daughter, love going out and having a drink with friends and dancing to music of all sorts, living a very stressful life which is unlikely to change any time soon, doing the best i can with what i have. Im a very loyal person and am well known for chatting the hind legs off a donkey as well as being a great listener. If you need to offload your troubles then im your woman. Tell me anything it will never go any further. Im a giver and a sharer and care a lot for people and im open minded to the point if im not careful my brain will fall out of my head.... I make spelling mistakes, but im busy, forgive me.... Everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what that reason is..

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

I am confused dot com (PLD document)

Today I had to go to an important lecture at uni, it was all about how to fill out our PLD or Practice learning document in long, and I am telling you it was the most confusing lecture ever!!! I came away from it with no idea what had to be filled in when, they do NOT make it easy for you at all, I start my placement so soon and I am going to be freaking out that I am not doing it right or I have made a mistake or something.. Talk about making something that was relatively hard, much harder. I have noticed at least 2 greys hairs I'm sure since I started uni almost a couple of months ago.


Rang my placement today and asked to speak to the person who is meant to be my mentor, she was not there as she is on nights starting tomorrow so I have to remember to ring up the ward from 10pm tomorrow night, well at least I wont get interrupted by my noisy 2year old daughter while I'm on the phone as she will be snoring her head off by then. I am just so excited to find out my shifts and to go and visit the ward..

Right I'm off to complete my annotated bibliography that I didn't end up starting last night in the end and decided to wait until this evening,but go me, iv'e already done a 3rd of it already. So might even finish it tonight :)

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