About Me

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Funky, colourful person. Mother to my 3 year old daughter, love going out and having a drink with friends and dancing to music of all sorts, living a very stressful life which is unlikely to change any time soon, doing the best i can with what i have. Im a very loyal person and am well known for chatting the hind legs off a donkey as well as being a great listener. If you need to offload your troubles then im your woman. Tell me anything it will never go any further. Im a giver and a sharer and care a lot for people and im open minded to the point if im not careful my brain will fall out of my head.... I make spelling mistakes, but im busy, forgive me.... Everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what that reason is..

Sunday 31 October 2010

Feeding, dressing and washing + HOMEWORK!!!!!

Friday was our skills day, We had to feed another person and let them feed us, bought some yoghurt on the way to class as we were told prior as this is what would be fed to us. Emily and I worked together, feeding each other 1st with facing each other, taking it in turns, this felt really weird and I think it must make a patient feel quite uncomfortable to be fed like this, rather intimidating. Then we had to sit next to each other feeding from the side, it also felt weird but not as much, but much less intimidating than the other way.

Then we had to do the same but with our eyes shut (patient) while being fed, this was strange but I suppose we have to understand what it would feel like to a patient in this position. After that the next part of the class was to in groups of 4 to deal with a scenario, there were dummies placed in situations where we had to either change their bedding while they were still in it, give them a bedbath, or help a patient with only one arm wash herself and put her nightie on and take her hospital gown off. We had to pretend they were real people and talk to them and do everything as if they were real. Gave me an insight that everything is not as easy as it looks, I did feel a little stupid as they we dummies but well its the next best thing I suppose.

We also got more chance to practise taking each other's blood pressure, I am getting the hang of it and am waiting for my spygmomanomiter to arrive in the post from ebay so I can practice on my family at home, we are going to be tested on this so got to get it correct. Finding the pulse can be quite hard sometimes, I know in one arm my pulse feels quite strong and in the other its quite weak, so will make sure my partner for the test does it on my strong arm, just to help.

We also did some class work on skin, so many notes to take but I noticed my anatomy and physiology book has everything in it so decided only to take a few notes and refer back to my book.

Went to a halloween party that night and decided that Sunday will be dedicated to continuing my uni work, I have to hand my essay in by next Monday which I still have a little bit to do including one reference plus an annotations piece of work which is due in in just over a week, I am not even sure what this means, but will speak to my teacher and get some advice. Plus I have a group work presentation due to be done in front of the class in January which is 20 minutes long and includes a powerpoint and presentation, this is about a scenario that we were given and we have to decide who the main people involved in the person's care is and then talk about what they do, then choose one of the 3 main people and go into a complete breakdown of their role and how they would participate in the care of the patient in our scenario, this involves us meeting up as a group and working out how to do this, who will say what, who is involved in our care plan etc.

I also till have to do the various bits of work we need to do for preparation for each lesson, my lessons are Monday and Friday, so today is a busy day indeed. I don't have much time to do my group work either even though it is due in January I will be on placement from 22 Nov till 19 Jan and so it has to be started ASAP...

Oh and somehow I have to fit in playing with my daughter and having dinner and getting everything ready for uni and the childminder tomorrow. So not that much then..... Happy Halloween.....

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